From Personal Passions to Profitable Pursuits

by | Feb 20, 2024 | Podcast | 1 comment

In this engaging episode of ‘Between Over and Next,’ hosts Holli and Robert delve into the journey of business evolution with a focus on transitioning from a hobbyist to an entrepreneur. Guest Sue Monhait, Founder and CEO of Gift Biz Unwrapped and The Ribbon Print Company, shares lessons learned and invaluable insights into the world where passion meets entrepreneurship, highlighting what matters most when turning a hobby or craft into a thriving business.

Sue reflects on her trajectory from corporate employment to embracing entrepreneurship, drawing from her rich background to assist others in becoming successful business owners. She emphasizes the importance of action and adaptation, offering an affirming perspective on the power of small businesses. The conversation also touches upon the collaborative experience during the pandemic as they launched ‘At Home Event,’ navigating the new normal of virtual interaction and online marketplaces. Holli and Robert further explore Sue’s decision to conclude her successful podcast and what’s next for her personally and professionally. Don’t miss this inspiring episode filled with wisdom that will enrich your entrepreneurial spirit.



In This Episode:

00:00 Introduction to the podcast and hosts
01:11 The impact of the pandemic and the need to pivot
03:44 Launching the At Home Event brand
05:43 The importance of embracing the virtual space
07:57 Introducing Sue Monhait as a guest
09:20 The mindset shift needed to turn a hobby into a business
11:21 The importance of asking the right questions
12:26 Lessons learned from corporate and personal life
13:39 The advantages of small businesses over big brands
14:27 Nothing happens without action. Action results in positive or negative conclusions.
15:01 Follow your passion and do what makes you happy
15:17 Sue finds happiness in the little things in life, like walking and observing nature
16:53 Sue is inspired by people who take action and inspire themselves
17:04 Relationships, family, friends, nature, and health matter most to Sue
18:11 Sue decided to end her podcast after achieving her goal of building a resource of evergreen information
20:06 Sue plans to gain more personal time, travel, and engage in healthier activities
23:46 Holli and Robert express their respect and gratitude for Sue’s contributions
24:18 The virtual crafting gift show helped businesses transition online and connect with customers
26:01 Holli shares her experience as a customer of various businesses from the virtual event
27:41 Holli and Robert thank Sue for her contributions to the brand vision
28:07 Holli encourages listeners to check out Sue’s podcast
28:14 Robert expresses gratitude to Sue for being part of the episode
28:31 Holli and Robert thank listeners for tuning in and invite them to share the podcast
28:43 Holli mentions the show notes with relevant links
29:04 Holli and Robert provide their email address for questions and comments
29:09 The hosts thank listeners for joining them and encourage them to visit their website

Key Takeaways:

  1. Transitioning from a hobby to a profitable business starts with the right mindset and the willingness to embrace change and uncertainty.
  2. Small businesses have unique strengths that allow them to compete with larger players in the market; resilience, agility, and personal touch set them apart.
  3. Tangible results and outcomes are pivotal indicators that help chart the future course of business strategy.
  4. Genuine action is crucial for progress, and even outcomes perceived as negative are valuable learning experiences.
  5. Life satisfaction for entrepreneurs can stem from simple joys, relationships, and the pursuit of personal interests such as health and hobbies.

Sue Monhait Quotes:

“It starts with that vision and that idea of, oh, maybe somebody would be interested. It’s when you get that initial validation that then you can start seeing what could be possible if you put some time and energy into it.”
“A lot of us get intimidated by the big brand names, where I will tell you… big brand names with these big company structures… have so much structure and procedure that they need to go through to get things done. There are definite strengths you have as a small business owner.”
“Nothing happens without action. How many times do people talk about what they’re going to do, and they don’t ever do it? Action is all important.”
“What matters most to me is my relationships in my life. Being with family, being with friends, being around nature, and my health is important.”
“I felt like I was going to be duplicating some of the information that’s already available… So pivot… I decided that I didn’t need to record more, but what I could do is take and package all of that eight years of information and do something different with it.”

About Sue Monhait, Founder and CEO of Gift Biz Unwrapped and the Ribbon Print Company

With over 30 years of experience in corporate sales, marketing, retail, and online business, Sue is a veteran entrepreneur who has made significant strides in empowering crafters and makers to build sustainable and profitable enterprises. She is also the bestselling author of “Maker to Master: Find and Fix What’s Not Working in Your Small Business” and the host of the Gift Biz Unwrapped podcast empowering and educating creative entrepreneurs to turn their hobbies or crafts into thriving businesses. Sue’s initiative of establishing an official National Bakers Crafters Makers Day in 2020 highlights her commitment to celebrating and supporting the creator economy.

Sue’s Podcast

Sue’s Book






Mentioned In Episode 6

Follow Sue Monhait
Sue Monhait Website
Gift Biz Unwrapped Podcast
Gift Biz Unwrapped Facebook Community
Maker To Master Book
The Ribbon Print Company 

At Home Event

At Home Event Website
At Home Event Facebook Page
Cassie’s Country Cupboard
Lock & Key Remedies – (use promo code “holliandrobert” to get a 25% discount on your purchase)
Peak Digital Agency

Virtual Events Produced By Holli & Robert
Livingston Sings– Replay April 5, 2020
Livingston Sings – The Anniversary Show– Replay April 25, 2021

Follow Holli & Robert


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Real Life With Holli & Robert

Welcome! YOU are in the right place at the right time with the right people to discover meaningful ways to do and be better in your personal and professional lives. With wisdom, confidence, and courage you can achieve your goals and create your happiest life regardless of your age or background. Our mission is to share ideas, experiences, and lessons learned with anyone ready to learn, grow, and embrace what you’re passionate about doing, and then never stop doing it. 

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